we have a few pointers to make the most of ~and survive~ your upcoming trip.
ALARM: Be kind to, but cautious of all RoboThotz / RoboBroz. Should one fall in love with you she / he will revert to flesh, leaving you forever stuch as their match in Bitch-Fi.
CAUTION! Keep this guide away from liquids, open flames, NutriNutri, and other Earthlings. For they will likely “borrow” it, never to be returned.
THREAT: In recent test trips, some subjects suffered from uncontrollable desire, suspended admiration, and obsessive compulsions. We recommend distancing yourself from steel of all types upon return to your home planet.
WARNING: Making the most of your journey begins witth putting away any and all ThumbGrams. Avoid scrolling except during designated FEED times. It’s not everyday you’re in such a lovely place, after all.
And always,